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look after等于,until等于什么


4. look after…照顾= take care of… care for… mind… watch… deal with… attend to…5. look on/upon A as B 把A视为B = think of A as B1)take care of = look after 照顾2)take off = pull off 脱衣服3)take on 呈现;担任;承担起责任4)take in 把衣服改小;take sb. in 欺骗某人5)take after sb. 长得像某人

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 知识点一look out=be careful留神,当心look out还有“向外看”之意。相关短语:look at看;look for.寻找;look like看起来像;look after 照看1. (翻译) 当心,公交来了。详情请查看视频回答

上面说到,在表示「照顾、照料」的时候,搭配「take care of」和「look after」要比「care for」更常用。另外,在谈论像个人财物这样没有生命的物体时,我们可以用搭配「take 导读1、lookafter等于cafefor,也等于takecafeof。lookafter的意思有照料;照顾;照管;尤指作为工作)料理;打理。属于一个动词短语。2、动1、lookafter等于cafefor,也等于takecafeo

You go to the train station and I look after the patient here. 你去火车站,我在这里照顾病人。三、常用在剧本中描写角色的动作,或者是图片、照片、连环画和卡通片中的解说词。look after 寻求,照顾,关心27. at ease 舒适快活自由自在ease off 减轻痛苦,紧张状态,缓和,放松。28. connect …with与…相联系,关系(抽象) connect ……to 与……相连接

时间标志词:now,Look! Listen! at the moment, these days P15.there be句型1、表述某地有或者没有…我们用there be(not) 句型There is a river. 2、一般疑“look after”表示“在短时间内看管、留意”,类似于表达“keep an eye on something ”。下面这个句子,搭配“look after”在句子中表示“看管”。could you look after

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