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nothing much的问句,对nothing much提问的例子


˙^˙ nothing much前的问句是什么英语人气:626 ℃时间:2020-05-13 15:28:02优质解答Anything Wrong?What's wrong?What's up?What's your matter?What's wrong with Yes, nothing much. 由于上句是一般疑问句,可推知横线处需运用yes/no来作答,故从方框中选择Yes, nothing much(是的,没有什么事情).来作答。L: Sure! Let me see…You’re n

ˇωˇ A.I’m fineB.It’s OKC.Nothing much 试题答案在线课程【答案】C 【解析】句意:——你在忙什么?——没什么事。考查日常交际用语。I’m fine我很好;It’s OK没事;Nothingyou do last week? 答:Nothing much.大概意思:你上星期做了(些)什么?没什么(呀).Nothing much,英语口语.意思:没有什么/没做什么(根据问句所用的动词,意思跟着

(ˉ▽ˉ;) Anything Wrong? What's wrong? What's up? What's your matter? What's wrong with you?(1)Yes,nothing much.问句是一般疑问句,横线处用yes或no来作答,故选"Yes,nothing much."(2)Some of my paper-cutting works wil be shown there.根据答语“你真棒!”可知,横

-___.( ) A. Nothing much B. Much nothing C. Not anything试题答案在线课程分析--明天你打算干什么:-无事可干. 解答答案:A.根据问句题干可知,本句的回答应是"无事可二、“what's up”问句回答1. Not much意思是“还行”这是一个最常见的回答。我们可以说:Not much, just getting ready for the new job. 还行,就是为新工作做下准备。2. Nothing m

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