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begin on,begin词组


>▽< n.(Begin)人名:贝京。02 过去分词:begun. 第三人称单数:begins. 现在分词:beginning. 过去式:began.03 短语:begin with 开始;以开头;首be on 上映,上演,进行中(描述的是一种状态)例:the TV play is on now. 电视剧正演着。The movie will be on next Monday. 这部电影下星期一上映。begin on

begin on什么意思

9、When a time period is prescribed in days, months and years, the day on which the period begins shall not be counted as within the period; calculaThe strike is due tobegin onTuesday. 罢工预定于星期二开始。Click on a blank line and begin coding. 单击空行并开始编码。Time, then, to begin work on a vaccine

begin one

Beginontoprope.Get usedtothefeelingofhanging on therope,perhaps"running"or"pedaling"backandforthacross therock. 从绳开始,适应悬在绳子上的感觉,甚至可以尝试在岩壁上begin on的中文意思:点击查看详细解释:begin on的中文翻译、begin on的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握begin on这个短语。

begin in和begin on

比赛将于2009年元月12日开赛.I will begin on something new (simple) in the company.在这家公司我8:begin很少用于进行体,偶尔用于进行体后接动词不定式可作“逐渐…正在…”解。begin的常用短语用作动词(v.) begin as (v.+prep.) begin at (v.+prep.) begin by (v.+prep

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