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the majority of,the majority of people are not


╯﹏╰ the majority of的意思是“的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of;a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,has global consequences, brings huge risks for the whole humanity, representing the real threat for the survival of the civilization. It is dramatically changing the i

the majority of和a majority of的区别

the majority. 调查表明,该条约的支持者仍然占大多数。13. The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway. 大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。14. The vathe majority of 和a majority of的区别(1)the majority of的意思是“的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of

the majority of 单数复数

导读:the majority of在英语中代表"大多数"的意思,the majority of是什么意思the majority of的中文翻译、读音、例句,其次还有"大多数"的意思,发音是[themajorityof],the majoritTo begin with,it is a Forever mountain bike which I bought one year ago at the cost of 800 RMB. I was careful in the maintenance of the bike so that it’s in very good

the majority of 谓语动词

1most people or things[singular]most of the people or things in a groupOPPminoritymajority ofThe majority of workers find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they earn.great6. Who owns the majority of gas stations? Surprisingly, big oil companies only own about 3% of all gas stations and convenience stores in the U.S. The rest are owned by

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