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what you said sounded,what areyou do


答案:A解析:14. What you said sounded but in fact it was untrue. A. reasonable B. reasonful C. reasonless D. unreason 15. When you read this paper, you'd better

∩﹏∩ What you said sounded ___ but in fact it was untrue. A. reasonable B. reasonful C. reasonless D. unreason 试题答案在线课程答案:A 解析:练习册系列答案1加1阅读好What you said sounded ___ but in fact it was untrue.A.attractB.attractionC.attractiveD.attractor 答案根据题干信息,sound为系动词,故其后应接形容词作表语,分析四个选

(°ο°) 25.What you said sounded___ but in fact it was untrue. A.reasonable B.reasonful C.reasonless D.unreason 26.We have to learn___technology from other sound是系动词表听起来,系动词也是动词第五what you said 在句子里面最主语,并且也是一个句子主语用一个句子来充当是主语从句哦综上所以这是一个主语从

˙ω˙ 1()42.What you said sounded but in fact itwas untrue.A.reasonableB.reasonC.reasonlessD.unreason( )42.What you said sounded_but in fact it was untrue. A.reasonable25.What you said sounded___ but in fact it was untrue. A.reasonable B.reasonful C.reasonless D.unreason 26.We have to learn___technology from other

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