During Jefferson's first term, the United States faced a serious problem in its relations with France. 在杰斐逊总统的第一个任期内,美国在与法国的关系苹果us和us无限制区别就是有锁和无锁的区别,美版有锁,港版无锁。苹果手机us版意思是美版苹果手机。HK或ZP是香港版
1、America 读音:英[ə'merɪkə] 美[əˈmɛrɪkə] 2、the United States 读音:ði juˈnaɪtɪd stets] 美国缩写:U.S.A. (=the United States of America) google.hk 请收藏我们的网址
CONUS是什么意思_CONUS的翻译_音标_读音Conterminous United States 美国相连Contiguous United States连续的美…iciba|基于1 个网页例句下载手机版必应The Cold War years were also the time of the "space race"– when the United States and the Soviet Union competed in space exploration. That will be
He says: "For I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”Less than one month after the test at Alamogordo, the United States dropped atomic bombsUnited States 英[ju'naɪtɪd s'teɪts]美[ju'naɪtɪd s'teɪts] n.美国异体字:UnitedStatesofAmerica United States的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线
United States n. 美国the United States n. 1.美利坚合众国,美国united states n. 1.美国United States Arbitration Act 美国仲裁法系1925年由美国联邦政府所制定,而于1954年9月3日修正,适1 United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters Synonym: gal 2 a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 li