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关于use的三个句型used to do sth.过去常做某事be(get)used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be used to do sth=be used for doing sth.被用于做某事This riveruse…for doing用…做…doing常用于词组,如cleaning work) used to do过去常常做…be used to doing习惯于做…3.used to仅用于一般过去时,表示过去常常发生的事,否定式为used n

˙△˙ be used to do 过去常常;被用来做there is no use doing 做什么没有作用1 use to do eg:We use our eyes to see.2 used to do He used to get up early.他过去早起.3 be/use 所有句型相关知识点:试题来源:解析It's no use doing sth .做某事没有用.used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事be used to do sth 被用于

收录于合集#英语常用句型集118个提示:点击上面标题看更多英语句型及练习有关use的几个句式+(配套练习)一.用for, as ,by,in, of, no填空。1.This car is used49.It's no use doing sth做什么没用50.be fond of doing sth喜欢做什么51.look forward to doing sth盼望做某事52.be pround of doing sth 为某事感到骄傲53.can't help

(^人^) 1. use意为“用;使用;运用”,单三形式为uses,例如:She uses knife to cut apples.她用刀子切水果;过去式为used,如:Tom used my pen last night昨晚汤姆用了我的钢笔;现在分词为usin1动名词常用句型:1 have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time in doing sth.有困难做某事例:People from the two countries do not have any difficulty i

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