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ChineseYouth Day,chinese new year's eve


In 1939, when celebrating the 20th anniversary of the“May 4th Movement”,the China-Saving League of Youth in Northwestern China decided to establi收录于合集五四.青年chinese youth day originated from the may fourth movement of china's anti-imperialist patriotic movement in 1919. it was a patriotic movement

╯﹏╰ 五四青年节源于中国1919年反帝爱国的“五四运动”,五四爱国运动是一次彻底的反对帝国主义和封建主义的爱国运动,也是中国新民主主义革命的开始。Chinese Youth Day originated from Chinese Youth’s Day is on May 4th,it is to in honor of the students’movement in the year of 1919,at that time,the government made a failing diplomacy in Paris,w

学习英文短语Chinese Youth Day讲解,利用原创音乐,词性讲解和例句让你完全理解,记忆和使用Chinese Youth Day这个短语关于中国青年节英语作文Chinese Youth Day1200字:当时各国革命青年于1915五年在瑞京举行国际青年大会,决定国际青年反对世界大战一致的步骤,并决定以每年的九月

"How to celebrate the Youth Day? We visited the achievement exhibition of aerospace technology, felt the spirit of manned space flight, and encouraged everyone, includinChinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged youth in the aerospace sector to contribute more to China's realization of greater self-reliance in aerospace science and tec

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