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asyouwish翻译中文,as you wish音译


“As you wish”的意思是:随心所欲。中文读音:suí xīn suǒ yù 释义:随:任凭;欲:想要。随着自己的意思,想要干什么就干什么。出处:《论语·为政》“七十而从心所欲,不逾矩as 一、读音英[æz , əz] 美[æz , əz]二、释义prep、像;如同;作为;当作adv、比较时用)

as you wish:如你所愿。Don't expect everything will go as you wish.别指望事事都随你的心。May everything turn out as you wish.祝你万事如意。You can keep my money as longas you wish 是如你所愿的意思。

例句:As you wish, you passed the exam.


as you wish试试人工翻译翻译全文释义随心所欲点击金山快译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部You can't expect everything to turn outas you wish. 很难万事如意. 《Such as you being mixed up in a divorce case yourself.呃没错Uh, yes.你尽兴狂欢后却说In that first careless rapture of yours自已一点也不在乎这回事y

一、急求英文生日祝福语(带上翻译)? 1、Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event. Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal aif i can give the word to you 如果我可以给词您[translate] a妈妈让我和她一起去看望祖父母Mother lets me and she sees the paternal grandparents together[translate]

你好,这一句英语用中文翻译过来的意思就是如你所愿!一般来说,说这句话是表达自己的不满!当然也可以表达你在请求过后他答应你的一种回答方式!所以你可以结合当I can see hockey's been really good to you.我看冰球真的是你的一切Do you wanna hang with me or do you wanna go get a beauty makeover?你是想待在这儿

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