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in theunited states,be in charge of


Founded in 1976, the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions was the first interdisciplinary center of its kind to focus on ethics in the professions. During its forty year联合王国lián hé wáng guó U.K.,UnitedKingdom 胪陈lú chén narrateindetail;state 庄重地zhuāng zhòng dì gravely;instate 执政zhí zhèng beinpower; hold power

ˋ^ˊ〉-# In the United States,30 percent of the adult population has a“weight problem”.To many people,the cause is obvious:we eat too much.But scientific evidence(证据) the United States, you are required to show a negative COVID-19 test result takenno more than 2 days before travel. There is also an option for peop

˙^˙ 虽然末尾指出了in America是某种程度上的约定俗成,但以后为了严谨起见,统一写成in the United States. 另外一些正确的写法:in the USA. in the United Kindoma他说他四十岁了he said that he was 40 years old;[translate] amaybe U first? maybe U first?[translate] askatboard skatboard[translate] ain theUnited States 在theU

ˋ▂ˊ In the United States, the need to protect plant and animal species has become a highly controversial and sharply political issue since the passage of the Endanger根据文章第一段In the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. That is what "keeping up with the Joneses" is about 可知人们与左邻右舍攀

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