11. 引号(Quotation Marks,双引号“”;单引号“‘”) 12. 缩写及所有格符号(Apostrophe,“‘”) B. 英文标点符号使用详解一、逗号英语中,逗号是最常用的标点如果引号前面是一个完整的句子,用冒号+引号Rule2: Someone says, “quotation.”如果引号前面是人发声的动词(比如says, said,states, asks, yells etc.),用
∪△∪ 4)关于上面的引号我再补充一点,在标准的印刷物中英文的单双引号一般是左右不同的“卷曲引号”curly quotation marks(大概就是中文双引号那样:单‘’、双“”英语中破折号、冒号后面可以加完整主谓宾的句子吗?这两个都是可以的。dash 破折号,用于两种情况一,重点突出破折号中的或后的内容The students—they were e
exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语) ' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotati中文里有书名号《》英文用" " (双引号). 英文有省略符号' (apostrophe)是中文里没有的,比如I'm a student.英语中分号可用在从句中吗Better by far you sh
6.引号直接引出某人说的话:7.冒号Colon [:]引出一系列名词引出一个较长的引语8.分号Semicolon [;]将两个相关的句子连接起来和逗号一同使用引出一系列名词9.破折没有补语的BE动词,如:BE不是连缀动词,意思为“存在”I think; therefor I am To be or not to be, that is the question 有两个宾语的句型:动词后面接2个宾语,如:John's father g
"We are slaves to nothing but the clock," it has been said.这是一整句话。引号里的是直接引语。用逗号,因为句3. 单引号用于引语中的引语。如:“You’ve done very well so far,”said Joy, “but I remember that someone said, ‘Who laughs last, who laughs best’