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came from的意思,came down的意思


有come from 用于一般现在时came from 用于一般过去时Anna and David came from England. They were interested in hot pot and went to a hot pat restaurant last weekend. They didn't need menus at this restaurant. The fo

came from vbl.来自,出身于came in vbl.进来,到达came on vbl.进展,发展came as v. 是came into vbl.进入,得来When disaster struck, help came from all sides. 一方有难,八方支援ca1. C. 文中第二段提到“was driving home from work.”。2. B. 第二段中提到“He slowed down when he came to the main road”。3. C. 根据文章意思,Mr W illiams

25. Where does she now think her feeling of unhappiness came from? A. From her old school. C. From herself. 三,阅读填空(每小题2分,共10分) 请阅读下面came from 英美v.来自(出身于;起源于) came from的用法和样例:例句A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。These two tourists came from

这样的,关系我给你理清一下:comefrom=befrom,而comesfrom是comefrom的第三人称单数形式,camefrom是comefrom的过去式comefrom用于第一人称,第二人称,第三人称..e from的意思、解释come from 基本解释源自;来自某处;出生于;由…造成come from 情景对话旅游come from A:Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?B:Yes, Ive just

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